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In 2019, we started this journey to celebrate World Design Day and we are now in our fifth year. In the past four exhibitions, participants from all corners of the world have shared with us a message they wanted to send to the world through design. This message emerged with a very clear, very universal and very peaceful question:


What Unites Us?


Our aim was to convey the universal values that unite us to the universe with the unifying power of design. We plan to continue to immortalize this message every year on April 27, World Design Day, with the same excitement and passion, through the power of design.


In the years we have left behind, we have many good and bad memories; despite these destructive events such as earthquakes, pandemics, terrorism, which separated people from people and caused us to question our human values, we chose to focus more on uniting and helping each other. Because we have one common goal, a world full of peace and tranquility!


With the development of new media technologies, new living conditions, the transforming face of information and the impact of information on human life has increased day by day with social media. However, with a simple device in our hands, we are in a position where the whole world has access to us and we have access to the whole world. Every day, we are exposed to a new event, we get tired and find it difficult to keep up with the rapidly changing agenda. While we miss our ties to tradition and the traditional, we cannot help but be excited about the innovations and conveniences that the future and technology bring.


We believe that the period we are in is an important transition period for humanity. We are both excited and anxious. We are aware of our moral obligations as human beings. While preserving the values of our past, we aim to be open to the innovations of the future and keep our hope alive. We advocate togetherness and cooperation against divisions and enmities, and we advocate to be more united with the changing new face of communication. Because design, when done in the right way and used for the right purposes, can be an important tool for the good of humanity and lead to positive changes.


For this purpose, we invite you, the designers, to participate in our exhibition so that we can announce the values that unite us to the whole world through design. And now we ask with a new understanding in this changing world;


"What unites us?"




Ekin Su KUZU

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